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Stocks : nos produits victimes de leurs succès!

Stocks: our products victims of their success!


As you may have noticed, many products are currently unavailable with almost all of our filaments and also our most popular printers, with the Duplicator 9 in the lead. The reason is simple: Covid-19.

For the little story...

To go back in time a little and understand this massive stock shortage, there was a phenomenal demand for filament for printing visors, but also many people wanted to embark on the 3D printing adventure by purchasing their first printer and participate in the war effort. In a few days, the stock of several weeks/months is gone. Demand has been very strong, particularly for the D9 500, the only large format 3D printer at such a low price. Our logistics team has been working really hard and non-stop over the last few weeks!

To ensure the lowest prices, or even the lowest, in the Premium filament range, our products are manufactured in Asia and transported by boat given the significant weight (we are talking about several tons). And as you probably know, international transport is currently very complicated and air freight prices have exploded, because they are oversaturated...
Here's a container that left last week... It's full to the brim and we have another one in the works.

And the Duplicator 9??

Here too, a small delay in preparing the machines at the factory, but for a good cause. We have requested certain improvements on the machines, which will upgrade them to "Mark III" without any change in price:

  • End of filament detector, to pause your prints in case of filament shortage.
  • TL-Smoother to smooth your prints and therefore improve quality.
  • “Dampers”, a type of shock absorber added to engines to further reduce vibrations and the noise that can go with them.
  • Small additional accessories with the printer (quality cutting pliers, deburrer, etc.).

These changes necessarily delayed some of our orders, but we believe it was beneficial in everyone's interest.

Upgrade an existing Duplicator 9 to MK III?

Yes, this will be possible and “for free”. We also think of our loyal and former customers. It will be possible to order an update kit which will be offered at €0. Only shipping costs will be your responsibility. This will also be an opportunity to take filament at the same time!

And how can I be notified when it is back in stock?

For several weeks now, for each unavailable product, you can be notified when it is back in stock by entering your email address. It's simple and very effective... because although we try to anticipate demand, our products always sell very very quickly, victims of their success!

An estimated date?

It is still too early, but we will share with you on social media a more precise date fairly soon, once the boat gets closer to our shores, but we are hoping for an arrival in early/mid June.

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