Our site is published by the company 3D-EXPERT.FR.
91940, Ulis
Share Capital: 57,143.00 euros
Registered with the RCS under number 832 194 708 RCS Evry
VAT number: FR 76 832194708
Telephone number: 01 76 50 60 61
All our site is hosted on the servers of the company: Shopify
Intellectual property
All content of the site (illustrations, texts, wording, brands, images and video) is the property of SARL 3D-EXPERT.FR or its Partners. Any partial or total reproduction of the content of the site, by any process whatsoever and on any medium, is subject to prior and express authorization. All information, content, files and software provided on the site are protected by French and international laws regarding intellectual property and copyright.
does not authorize the reproduction, representation, copying, display or distribution of any content for which the user of the site does not have intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized use of this content in violation of the rights held by SARL 3D-EXPERT.FR and/or by third parties thereon may constitute the offense of counterfeiting, which is severely punished by the Intellectual Property Code.
If you register on the site, we may use the recorded data to communicate various information to you, particularly commercial information (newsletters, event information, etc.).
Data Protection Act
In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (art. 34 of the Data Protection Act). . To exercise this right, contact: or by mail to
2 avenue du Hoggar
91940, Ulis